Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday morning workout


I like to get my workouts done in the mornings.  Its nice to get it out of the way plus it makes me feel better for the rest of the day.  This morning I did Jillian Michaels kick box upper body its only 20 minutes and its really fun.  Then I did an ab workout for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of hula hooping.  Hula hooping is a real calorie burner, it gets the heart rate up and its fun.

Morning ab workout, your abs will be on fire, try it:
30 Crunches
20 Bicycle crunches
30 Toe touches
20 Reverse crunches
15 Side plank hip lifts on the right side
30 Crunches
15 Side plank hip lifts on the left side
40 Russian twists
30 Bicycle crunches
15 Oblique V-ups right side
20 Reverse crunches
15 Oblique V-ups left side
15 Leg lifts

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