Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Menu Day 3 Low Carb

Breakfast- Low carb cheesecake pancakes, and a cup of coffee with a splash of almond milk, and a little whipped cream to top the pancakes.  Total about 5.5 carbs for breakfast.
 For lunch I had a piece of string cheese, and 17 slices turkey pepperoni.  Total of 1 carb for lunch.
Dinner, was a low carb burger wrapped in lettuce with mustard a slice of provolone cheese and pickles, tomato, and a little onion.  With a 1/2 cup cucumber slices and 2 tablespoons ranch dressing. Dinner totaled about 9 carbs.

The low carb diet is going really well, I have not had any cravings so far, my appetite is down, I'm feeling really good.  The only thing I'm missing is my creamer in my coffee, but I picked up some stuff to make a low carb creamer so hopefully that will fill the void.

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