Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 2 of the Jillian Michaels Detox water

Yesterday I started the 7 day Jillian Michaels detox.  Sadly to report I'm up by 2 pounds this morning.  Ahh... I know its not the drink but its so frustrating.  I ate perfectly yesterday.  I had a glass of lemon water when I woke up, than a cup of coffee with just a splash of unsweetened vanilla
almond milk.  I drank the detox water which kept me full until dinner.  I had a steak salad for dinner and a pickle.  I also got in a 30 minute workout and reached my 10,000 step goal grrr.  Weight loss is hard, what an up and down roller coaster ride.  But I will continue to drink the detox water and hope for a better read on the scale tomorrow.  One thing to note is this drink will cause frequent trips to the bathroom :).

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