Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Endomorph body type

I know that I am pear shaped, when I gain weight, it literally goes straight to the hips, and thighs for me.  I recently learned that my body type falls into the endomorph category.  This means I have a pear like appearance, I gain fat easily, I have a slow metabolism, it is hard for me to burn fat, hard to gain muscle and I carry most of my weight in my lower body.  Lucky me right?  Go here for a quiz to find your body type.
 To balance out an endomorph body type focusing on cardio workouts is key.  Also focusing on lower body compound workouts to build more lean and toned legs and thighs, such as squats, deadlifts, and lunges.

  Best diet for an endomorph is high protein, low carb, and low fat.

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