Saturday, May 28, 2016

Do you Splurge on your Diet? Why its okay to splurge.

Chocolate cake a super indulgent splurge.  Why its okay to splurge.  To much deprivation can lead to more craving which can result in a binge.  Plus going off a strict diet can stimulate the thyroid gland and give your metabolism a boost, I read this on Dr. Oz. so it must be true.  That's great news and makes me not feel so guilty about this piece of chocolate cake I'm going to enjoy tonight.  With that said I will have a small piece, you still have to watch your portions when having a treat, and you don't want to do it to often, but life is all about balance, have that piece of cake and be happy.  Tomorrow I will get back to watching what I eat.  Do you splurge? How often? Just one treat, or the whole day?

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