Friday, June 3, 2016

I Tried a Detox Bath


So last night I decided to try a detox bath. There are many benefits to a detox bath,
-Flushes toxins
-Can reduce stress
-Improve sleep
-Balance your PH
-Helps sore muscles
-Helps with weight loss

Directions for the one I tried, add a large handful of Epsom salt, 1/2 a cup baking soda, and 5 drops lavender oil to a bath filling with the hottest water you can stand.  Soak for 20 minutes. 
My experience started out good it was very relaxing and felt nice, I set the timer on my phone for 20 minutes.  I close my eyes and sink into the soothing bath, enjoying the quiet.  I open my eyes, I have to look at my phone how long have I been in here I'm roasting like a pig...only 3 minutes have gone by, I tell myself I can do this.  I put my phone down and ease into the bath once more trying to enjoy it.  Then come the sweats, I'm sweating profusely, I try to tell myself this is good, I'm sweating out the toxins losing some water weight, this will all be worth it.. its hotter than blazes in here.  To take my mind off how agonizing this is I decide to scroll through pinterest on my phone.  Just praying for it to be over.  I look at the time once more only 10 minutes left, I can see the finish line, I feel as if I'm running a marathon at this point, I'm sweaty I can feel my heart beating fast, but I push through.  Just when I think I can't tolerate any more of this self induced torture the timer has only 5 minutes
left.  I'm drenched in sweat in the bath, so much for relaxing, I don't even sweat this much when I go running.  Somehow I make it through 1 minute on the timer and I watch every second tick by, the suffering is almost to an end.  I realize know that I should have rinsed with cool water after but I missed this step, I leap from the tub and towel dry.  I become aware of just how fast my heart is racing, and the heat is just radiating from my body, it feels like a really bad sun burn.  The water was not scalding and I didn't really burn myself it just felt as if I did, normally I would moisturize at this point but the directions say not to.  I look in the mirror and my face is glowing I thought this is cool who doesn't want glowing skin and I smell nice from the lavender, the bad part of the experience is already fading away.  I put my fitbit on and my heartrate was up for a good 30 minutes in the fat burning zone, who would have thought you could burn extra calories just from sitting in a bath.  I did feel warm for about an hour after, probably why your supposed to rinse off with cool water.  I did get an awesome nights sleep last night, I feel very rested.  My skin is still glowing this morning, and I'm down 1.5 pounds.  Overall it was definitely worth it and I can't wait to try another detox bath.

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