Friday, June 3, 2016

Low carb Menu day 4

Day 4 of the low carb diet, I'm feeling good down 1.5 pounds so far, appetite is down, energy is up.
Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee with homemade low carb creamer 2 carbs for the coffee, and a 3 egg omelet with ham and cheese, about 3 carbs.
Lunch, I was not hungry so I didn't eat, not even a snack, this can be normal when going low carb as your appetite does decrease.
Dinner, I made a taco salad with ground turkey, 2 cups spring mix, sharp cheddar cheese, cilantro, green onion, 1/2 an avocado, 2 tablespoons salsa, and 2 tablespoons ranch.  The ground turkey had taco seasoning in it so it adds to the carb count, it came out to about 11 carbs for this, but I still came in well under my 20 carb a day limit.  This diet is definitely teaching me portion control since I have to measure everything out, so that's a good thing.

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