Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Low Carb Cheescake Pancakes

These low carb cheesecake pancakes are yummy, a great change of pace from eggs for breakfast.  This recipe made 2 good sized pancakes.  With only a few low carb ingredients, this recipe comes together easily.  These kind of recipes are what make a low carb lifestyle/diet so much easier.

What you will need:
2 eggs
2 oz. cream cheese
1 packet sugar substitute
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Directions: Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Let sit for two minutes.  Heat a skillet use butter or cooking spray to coat the pan.  Pour desired amount into pan.  Mine I had to shape into a pancake form, with a spatula, otherwise it would not have formed a circle shape at all.  Cook on both sides and honestly I did have some trouble flipping them, if I had made them smaller they may have flipped easier, will have to try that next time.  I did top mine with 2 tablespoons whipped cream.  The whole recipe with the ingredients I used totaled about 3.5 carbs, count will vary depending on brands that are used. 

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